HK and Walther Rebates

? 2 mins

Norman Armory is excited to tell you about some manufacturer rebates happening now!  Buy a qualifying H&K or Walther pistol at and get a rebate for free goods! See below!  

Get a FREE Hornady One-Gun Keypad Vault: MSRP $147.99 with the purchase of any new Walther PDPPDP F-SeriesPDP Steel FramePPK, PPK/SQ4 Steel Frame or Q5 Steel Frame.  

Get a FREE Hornady Treklite Lock Box XXL: MSRP $53.99 with the purchase of any new Walther P22PPK/S 22CCPWMP, PPQ .22LR or PD380.

Promo includes pistols purchased between Feb 2nd and ends April 30th 2024.

Must redeem by May 31st, 2024.


All New VP, P2000, or Full-Sized P30 Models 


Offer Valid on Purchases Completed January 1 โ€“ March 31, 2024.

Must Be Redeemed by April 30, 2024. Rebate Valid Until May 31, 2024.

Rebate codes do not stack with each other offers.

1) Purchase any new VP, P2000, or any Full-Sized P30 Models

2) Upload your receipt and serial number below

3) HK will send rebate via e-mail to address used in the redemption *Rebate will be in the form of HK BUCKS: $200 towards HKโ€™s webshop to be used towards your choice of magazines, swag, & more!

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